There are many signs to look for in an abusive relationship.  The most important one is what you feel in your gut.  There are many organizations that can help you.  Find a relative or friend that can help you get out at the first opportunity. Do not let the abuser know that you are planning on leaving. Act normal and if children are involved, they should not know until the moment is at hand.  Never go back, they usually do not change.

You deserve to be loved and to have a healthy relationship.  You have to choose not to be a victim anymore. The abuser has a way to make you believe you are worthless and nothing without them.  They want you to be weak.  The abuser knows how to control you physically, mentally and emotionally.  They will tell you when and where you can go. 

It is not your fault.  Abused women keep quiet and feel shame.  Patterns can be broke with the right help and the right frame of mind.  When the first sign of abuse happens, make it be the last. 

Emotional abuse leaves scars too.  If you say no to sex and he makes you anyway, that is sexual abuse.  It does not matter if it is your husband, boyfriend or a first time date. 

When he is playing mind games with you that is mental abuse.  Do not ever believe these words from an abuser:  I will never do that again”, “I have never done that before”, “You are over reacting”, “No one will ever want you or love you like I do”, “You asked for it”, “You are a piece of crap”. “It is your fault”.


Start your life over today, you are not alone.


"Every day I AM Alive, I Am Inspired To Live"  (Workbook on Domestic Violence and abuse)

National Domestic Violence Hotline, 1-800-799-7233
National Teen Dating Abuse Helpline, 1-866-331-9474



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